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성공비즈니스 파트너 비즈피어의 보도자료를 만나보세요

작성일 : 03-06-02 21:08
비즈피어 자체 CBA IPI Lead Assessors 보유
 글쓴이 : 관리자
hit: 22,913  

2003년 5월9일부터 비즈피어의 이성도 감사가 CBA-IPI Lead Assessor 로 심사를 수행할 수있게되었습니다.
이성도 감사는 비즈피어 Principal Consultant로 1994년12월에 비즈피어(a.k.a 앨리스 컨설팅)에 입사하여 현재 감사로 재직중이며 현대정보기술 CBA-IPI심사를 성공적으로 이끄므로써 미국의 the Software Engineering Institute (SEI)가 인정하는 CBA IPI Lead Assessor가 되었습니다.
비즈피어에서는 지금까지 제휴관계에 있는 미국의 Process Strategies Inc. 유럽의 ESI 등에서 심사원을 초빙해 왔으나 이들심사원들 뿐만아니라 한국어가 가능한 심사원을 확보함에 따라 심사원 선정의 폭을 넓힐 수있게 되었습니다.
2003년 6.1 현재 한국어를 구사할 수있는 심사원은 KLA-TENCOR사에 1명, LG CNS에 2명 그리고 Bizpeer에 1명이 있습니다.
자세한 내용은 http://www.sei.cmu.edu/managing/assessors.html에 가시면됩니다.
CBA-IPI 심사는 회사 내 자체 프로세스 개선을 위한 심사계약과 제 3자를 위한 상업목적의 심사계약 두가지로 구분되어며 회사내 자체 심사원의 경우 외부 상업 목적의 심사를 위한 시간을 할애하기가 쉽지않아 CBA-IPI심사가 활성화 될 경우 심사원의 절대적인 공급부족이 전개될 것으로 예상됩니다.

비즈피어는 CBA-IPI 수요에 좀더 적기에 대응하기 위해 지난 년말에 박영근부장과 이성도 감사를 Lead Assessor 과정에 참여시켰으며 이 과정에는 핸디소프트의 안유환 이사와 삼성 SDS의 백상기 차장이 같이 참여하였습니다.

비즈피어는 향후로도 CMM/CMMI 심사원을 양성해 나갈 계획을 가지고있습니다.
이성도 감사의 이력은 다음과 같습니다.

Name : Bruce Sungdoe Rhee
Birth Date : 5th April 1955
Nationality : Korean

1. Current Duties and Responsibility

l Since October 1st 1992, Principal Consultant of Bizpeer Co., Ltd(a.k.a Allies & Co., Ltd.) Consulting on Quality Management System(QMS) for Software Engineering companies including:

ü Review of current quality management system which include interview with top level management to discuss and judge the current level of the company QMS
ü Writing or assisting customer to write quality standards which involve technical problem solving ability, handling software and IT sector issue covering software design, software quality assurance, requirement analysis, configuration management and testing.
ü Interpretation of QMS standards including CMM, ISO 9001 and TickIT Guide, ISO 9000-3 and reference standards
ü Training of quality auditors and facilitators of QMS and auditing procedures
ü Assisting CMM assessors and ISO 9001&TickIT auditors to perform audit in English in Korea acting as an interpreter which involve formal meetings at the highest level of management

2. Career Summary

1992.10 - Present Principal Consultant, Bizpeer Co., Ltd (a.k.a Allies & Co., Ltd.)
l Responsible for consulting on QMS using CMM, ISO 9001 and TickIT Guide, followed by successful registration.
Companies assessed using CMM include Posdata, Handysoft;
Companies assessed using ISO 9001 & TickIT include LG-EDS, Hyundai Information and Technology, Ssangyong Computer Company, Posdata and Korea Securities Corporatio.

l managed as the Project Manager for the development of Software Package to assist QMS setup and implementation ; jointly developed with Korean Accreditation Board, and LG-EDS for the Ministry of Trade and Industry (1997.5-1998.5)
l managed as the Project Manager for the Posdata International Level of Quality project, modeling using CMM and ISO 9126 (1999.4.1-1999.12.31)
l Level up project to international level Management Information System for Allies & Co., Ltd. using visual basic on Microsoft Access (1994.3.1~11.30)

89.1.1 - 92.9.30
Quality Manager of Samsung-BP Chemicals Co., Ltd., Seoul Korea

87.1.1 - 88.12.31
Authorized Inspector of the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co., Ltd., Hartford, CT, USA

81.1.1 - 86.12.30
Quality Engineer of Hyundai Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

3. Education and Training

l Completed Intermediate Concept of CMMI Course by the Software Engineering Institute(2003)
l Completed Introduction to CMMI staged representation Course by Software Engineering Institute(2003)
l Completed CBA-IPI Lead Assessor Course by Software Engineering Institute(2002) and authorized as CBA-IPI Lead Assessor
l Completed Introduction to CMM course as sponsored by European S/W Institute, Spain(2001)
l Attended e-Business Program for Executives as sponsored by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2000/10/3-5)
l Completed ISO 15504 Part I & II Course as sponsored by European S/W Institute, Spain (1997)
l Attended Software QA Workshop(ISO 9001, ISO 9000-3 and TickIT) as sponsored by LRQA (1996/3)
l Attended LRQA TickIT Auditor Training course as an interpreter (1995/1, 1995/6, 1996/3)
l Registered QMS assessor for Information Technology by Korean Accreditation Board (Registration No: GA 950087) (1995)
l Completed the TickIT Auditor’s Course including course assessment and examination 23 - 27 May 1994 by Gilbert Europe
l Attended Software Quality Assurance Workshop (ISO 9001, ISO 9000-3 and TickIT) sponsored by LRQA(1993)
l Completed Assessor/ Lead Assessor Course as sponsored by BSI-QA (1992.10)
l Authorised National Board Commissioned Inspection (NB10670) by the State of Illinois, USA (1988)
l Bachelor of Science degree in chemical engineering from Pusan National University (1981)


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