작성일 : 09-07-03 15:54
SEPG Asia-Pacific 2009 Conference
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SEPG(Software Engineering Process Group) Asia-Pacific 2009 컨퍼런스가 이번엔 가까운 일본 오사카에서 9월 16일부터 18일까지 개최될 예정입니다.
카네기멜론의 SEI에서 주최하는 행사로서, 경제적으로 어려운 시기에 조직, 프로젝트, 개인의 발군의 성과가 Key라는 판단하에 프로그램이 구성되었습니다.
자세한 사항은 다음의 웹사이트에서 참조하세요. http://www.sei.cmu.edu/sepgap/2009/index.html
[ List of Topic ]
The complete list of topic categories for 2009 is as follows:
The Next Generation of Process
Service Establishment and Delivery In February 2009, the SEI released its newest addition to the CMMI Product Suite, the CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC) model, to help service provider organizations reduce costs, improve quality, and improve the predictability of schedules. The conference program committee is seeking proposals from early adopters of this new model.
Global Sourcing, Supply Chain Management, Procurement, and Acquisition The CMMI-ACQ model, released in 2007, provides a framework for managing a supply chain by those who acquire, procure, or otherwise select and purchase products and services for business purposes. The program committee is seeking experience-based proposals from organizations adopting the CMMI-ACQ model.
Working in Multi-“Model” Environments Challenges, experiences, and opportunities combining CMMI with TSP/PSP, P-CMM, Six Sigma, ITIL, ISO standards, and more.
People, Teams, and the Workforce Improving individual competencies, developing effective teams, motivating improved performance, and shaping the workforce the organization needs to accomplish its future business plans.
Large and Ultra Large Systems Process-oriented approaches to the acquisition, development, deployment, management, documentation, usage, and evolution of software systems of unprecedented scale.
Living the High (Maturity) Life Using process-performance baselines, process-performance models, control charts, and other techniques for effectively performing, managing, and improving processes at CMMI levels 4 and 5.
Appraisals and Audits Preparation, on-site activities, preliminary observations, findings and ratings, final reporting, and follow-on activities.